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Remote & Asynchronous Management

Smart workspace to work with your team, keep everyone accountable and manage work, people and outcomes asynchronously. Do your best work and guide your team async.

global team

Where teams do their best work – together in real-time and asynchronously.

Regardless of the distance between teams, the complexity of the project, or the number of stakeholders involved, Nova allows organizations and teams to scale, collaborate, and deliver quality work.

Why high-performing teams use Nova:

Accountability & Ownership

Encourage ownership, show trust and hold everyone accountable for their work and decisions.

Reduce Waste & Scale

Grow your business, make informed decisions, get things done faster, with the same amount of people and spend less time managing admin work  – even if your team works remotely and from different timezones.

Team clarity

Establish a clearly defined path to success, describing what, who, when, and how to get things done throughout every step of the process so success is never accidental.

Your best work

Ensure that teams have time to evaluate information, think through ideas, share knowledge, and take action in order to make well-informed decisions – always within a reasonable and fair timeframe.

Fair process

Provide a fair process, so teams trust each other and work as one.

Provide flexible hours and remote work

Attract more talent by providing remote and flexible working hours

Lead & manage your team asynchronously

Guide your team and ensure your team has the confidence they need to make decisions and get things done – even asynchronously. 

product teams

Work together effectively – asynchronously 

Use your collective intelligence and avoid unnecessary meetings and micromanagement to work together effectively. Work together asynchronously and let @Nova manage people, work and documents for you.

stakeholder engagements

Deliver your best work on time.

Get things done on time without check-in meetings, emails or micromanagement. Bring everyone into the process, discuss ideas, work together and make decisions, on time even if you are working asynchronously.


Lead meetings and workshops asynchronously.

Facilitate brainstorming and discussion sessions asynchronously to reduce the waiting period to find a time that works for everyone and allow everyone to have more time to think through before sharing their ideas, knowledge, or feedback.

async work

Track work, knowledge and progress.

Never ask ‘ What is the status?’ ‘ Did @Ana provide feedback?’ ‘What was the decision?’ Track progress, organizational knowledge and decisions like never before.

track progress with Nova

Manage your focus work and your meetings in one place.

Keep your meetings, workshops, focus work, documentation and tasks in one place – bust silos and move as one.


One workspace to do your best work – together

Use resources like whiteboards, smart documents, forms, training sessions, surveys, idea walls, epics, tasks, and more to build the workflows that work for your team and clients.

other apps

Digital Whiteboards

Create inspiration walls, lead meetings, workshops, and much more with our whiteboard.


Surveys & Group interviews

Run surveys and group interviews using Nova’s full sleight of advanced functionalities, tailoring the experience to optimize interactivity and insights.

smart documents

Smart Documents

More than a doc. Add due dates, assign team members, track progress, provide a clear direction, share it, or make it public.

Training sessions

Training sessions

Onboard new clients and lead handover and training sessions with Nova.

kanban boards and tasks

Kanban Boards & Tasks

Manage your tasks, track progress, visualize priorities and keep your to-do list organized.

Time tracking

Meetings, Ceremonies & Team Retros

Run brainstorming meetings, team ceremonies, and team retros.

+ more.

Find all the resources and tools you need

One-click and your team and clients will have access to a workspace with all the necessary resources – so you can focus on doing what you do best. 

Digital Whiteboard
Digital Whiteboard
Nova Survey
Nova Smart Document
Smart Document
Kanban Board
Kanban board
Training Session
Training session

Automate routine work

Spend less time managing administrative tasks and have more time to think. Track progress, sends notifications, create project and post-meeting reports automatically.


Find industry-leading templates & tools

Access our product library. You will find tools, templates, and ready-to-use workflows.

Tool library

Asynchronous management refers to managing and collaborating with a team without jeopardizing visibility, quality, velocity, or delivery dates. 

In asynchronous management, managers guide and manage their teams while they work together on their own time. Through async management teams are able to do their best work, collaborate, stay productive, and deliver on time.  It’s an effective management style to collaborate with a distributed team on their terms and schedules. 

Nova enables async management.

Async collaboration or communication is done with tools like slack, loom, email, mural, and  Miro.

Async Management is the next level of management and communication because it incorporates processes and automatic coordination of people. This ensures teams can work together, make decisions, and do their best work without having to rely on meetings or scattered communication. 


  • Accountability & Ownership: Encourage ownership, show trust and hold everyone accountable for their work and decisions.
  • Team clarity: Establish a clearly defined path to success, describing what, who, when, and how to get things done throughout every step of the process so success is never accidental.
  • Reduce Waste & Scale: Grow your business, make informed decisions, get things done faster, with the same amount of people and spend less time managing admin work  – even if your team works remotely and from different timezones.
  • Managers can support their global or remote teams without spending time coordinating work.
  • Teams work efficiently and organizations can deliver work up to 25% faster.
  • Deliver your best work: Ensure that teams have time to evaluate information, think through ideas, share knowledge, and take action in order to make well-informed decisions – always within a reasonable and fair timeframe.
  • Provide remote and flexible positions and attract more talent.

Many organizations are using tools such as a loom, and Slack to work asynchronously to reduce meetings. However, they often find that people in the organization are not held accountable, and there is no tracking or visibility of how teams are sharing knowledge or progressing. Managers are left with extra work, having to check on work status, sending reminders, etc. Making the team feel disconnected and lost as a result.

In order to solve this problem, many organizations are partially returning to the office, but the root of the problem is not related to where people are physically located. Over the past 20 years, we have seen a change in the way we work. In today’s workplace, teams work collaboratively and managers don’t hold all the knowledge; instead, knowledge is shared, so the better teams share that collective knowledge, the more likely they are to find the right solution. Our clients are located around the world and our teams are distributed globally. But that’s not all! With the world and technology changing rapidly, delivering the best work at a rapid pace is essential for success; therefore, teams need to do more than just deliver the best work. Despite the changes in how we work, what we do today is very similar to 60 years ago. We still use whiteboards to share ideas, documents to get notes, and phone calls when we need help. Although we have changed physical office materials to digital ones, this does not help managers guide and support their teams who work across timezones, have specific deadlines, and need to share knowledge to reduce risks.

This is why we founded Nova.

Nova is a collaboration and productivity platform that leverages intelligent technology to help teams work together while coordinating the work for you – so teams can share their knowledge and get things done efficiently. Unlike other platforms  –  Nova helps organize and manage work by goals, people and deadlines and includes tools like whiteboards, tasks and documents to get things done in the same space.

It is likely you have sent an email reminder asking a few stakeholders to get back to you or share their feedback, and felt frustrated because you had no visibility into whether they read your email, if they were working on it, or if they remembered.

You probably sent a loom video sharing important information about a new product update, organizational changes, or even a new design to your team, but you don’t know if they watched, or if they understood what you shared.

Here are a few examples of why asynchronous work often doesn’t seem to work. In order to track progress and hold people accountable, managers add more meetings to their calendars.

As a company, we have studied organizations’ psychology, neuro-management and team structures in order to ensure our workspace encourages knowledge sharing and teamwork without manual supervision.

  • With Nova, everyone is held accountable, there is transparency and clarity for everyone, and the process is fair for all participants.
  • Managers and leaders can facilitate async work and guide their teams without having to be present.
  • Using Nova, everyone within the organization and their stakeholders can see their schedules organized according to the tasks they need to accomplish, the knowledge they need to share, and the reviews they need to do. Due dates are used to organize work and collaboration.
  • Work in an environment that values trust, transparency, and clarity. With Nova, teams can see what needs to be done and why, as well as how their participation and work will affect the solution. They can also see who is participating, and what decisions the team is making in real-time. By doing so, everyone is able to see when things need to be delivered and when decisions have to be made. The deadlines, rules, and processes apply to everyone.
  • In Nova, accountability is visible, which means all team members and managers can see if someone has contributed or if they have completed tasks. Even in async environments, the ability to see people’s contributions and progress creates a social factor that encourages team members and stakeholders to work together async.
  • Instead of sending emails or slack messages to remind people what they need to do, Nova automatically manages people, work, and deadlines.
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