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Interactive Card Decks

Decks help you discuss, evaluate, structure information, and explore ideas and projects. Decks can be used in many different ways and in different situations like meetings, focus groups, customer interviews, co-creation, etc


Use random cards to brainstorm and think about different concepts or ideas that may spark creative solutions. Add as many answers as come to mind free from judgment – you will evaluate and discuss later.

Discussion & Concept Evaluation

Card decks can help teams to stay on the topic, evaluate ideas from different perspectives, and discuss a variety of key concepts.

Structure and guide your discussions.

Discussions can go nowhere without the right framework. Card decks can help teams to stay on the topic and discuss a variety of key concepts.

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Spark new ideas.

Card decks are designed to spark new ideas and related concepts that you wouldn’t otherwise have considered. 

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Uncover in-depth customer insights.

Card decks are used in market research to help structure thoughts, evaluate customer feelings, and visualize user stories and processes.

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Card Decks

Here are just a few of the built-in card decks you’ll be able to access inside Nova.

Human characteristics & profiles

Cards with fictional characters, which you can define further based upon your research in order to represent different customers. This card deck includes characters, personality types, hobbies, and key concepts that will make you think about your stakeholders.

Sustainable Development Goals

Discuss issues related to the 2030 sustainable goals (SDG) development. Good for schools, webinars, work sessions, business strategy, etc

startup card deck


Define your idea/startup and generate new ideas and marketing strategies using this card deck.

Health System

Discuss, evaluate, and explore alternative ideas for the health care industry.

UX Design

Fundamental principles for making easy-to-use interfaces. This deck will help you to focus on UX design principles and the user’s perspective.

How to get started? 

You’ll choose your deck and you can either sort through decks manually or add them our online whiteboard using deck templates and complementary design thinking / innovation tools.

Start for free!

Evaluate and prioritize 




Define the situation & develop strategies


Create stories and timelines

Categorize & create clutters

Schedule & plan


Learn more about how to use card decks and how to create your own.


How many cards are included in every deck? 

Every deck has a different amount of cards. The number of cards depends on the deck and the key concepts to cover on a specific topic. 

We are constantly developing new card decks and reshaping the old ones to better respond to today’s market.



How can I create new decks? 

Just press the button “Create a new card deck” on the Card Deck Page. 

You can start creating Decks easily by using the Card Deck builder. Our tool lets you customize your card decks with images and text. Then your decks can be used by your team and by your customers during sessions.

Start for free!



How can I add a deck to a tool? 

You can select a deck in 3 different scenarios:

1. Creating a session where you need Card Decks

When you start a session, you select a tool for that session. Each tool comes with different resources like card decks, whiteboards, polls, etc. 

Using one of our tools you will not need to worry about selecting the best card decks. We recommend and select the right one for you and you can start using it right away. 

2. Open a whiteboard

Open a whiteboard and drag and drop our card decks to the board.

3. Building a tool 

You can build your own tool and decide which card deck you are going to use and how you are going to use it. Learn more about how to build your own tool with Nova Tool builder

Start for free!



Example: Using card decks for Brainstorming:

Select a Brainstorming Deck. You can find Brainstorming decks for specific purposes like: Architecture, Marketing, Product Design, Advertising and more. 

Open a whiteboard tool session in Nova, and select the card deck you want to use. Once you have the Card deck on your board you can meet with your team for 10 to 30 minutes to come up with ideas. Define the purpose of the session: “Find a name for our new book” 

Invite team members to the session so they can participate in real time. When everybody is in the session, select a random card and add it to the board. Make sure everyone has 30 seconds to 1 minute to come up with ideas and add sticky notes around the card. The team lead can ask or review answers to get clarification or provide more time to build on ideas. The next round the team can do the can repeat the same process until the time is up. 

Teams can discuss and read the sticky notes to connect ideas and choose the most valuable ideas. The team can evaluate those ideas using an evaluation tool.

Start for free!




To help you get started we created a set of guidelines. Learn more about Card decks here! 

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