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Inviting guests to a brainstorming session: Email template

Jun 10, 2020

Here is an email template:

Hi, thank you for participating in our [Brainstorming session]! The goal of this activity is to [identify the most relevant problems affecting our customers and resulting in solutions that can help them reach their goal]

Get ready by signing up for Nova at

What should you expect?

During our [Brainstorming Session], you will be participating in a collaborative discussion. [ Share some information about the process. For example: The Session Facilitator will share a topic and everyone in the session will have a few minutes to add sticky notes with their ideas. Once the timer goes off everyone will have a minute to share one or two ideas about that topic. We will hear everyone’s ideas one by one, and vote on the best ones. The ideas with more votes will be moved to the center of the board. We will repeat this process five times, one per topic]

What will we be using during the session? and [Google Hangouts, Zoom or Slack]

Do I need to do something before I start?

Yes, We recommend creating an account on so you can quickly join the session (Signing up for Nova takes under a minute)

How do I join the session? Create a free account for Nova . Once your account is active you can join the session: [Session Link]

Agenda (XX minutes):

  • Welcome message and introduction.
  • Brainstorming Session: We will brainstorm and evaluate possible solutions for five different topics. This is a collaborative and interactive session.
  • Closing the  Session.

Brainstorming and Session Rules:

  • Be open-minded to others’ ideas.
  • This is a brainstorming session so think about as many ideas as you can while the timer is on. Don’t worry too much about making your ideas perfect at this point.
  • Add one idea per sticky note.
  • Expand on the ideas of others: This is a collaborative session where we’ll build ideas together, so if someone else’s idea inspires you, add new ideas to the board and share them.
  • Respect others by keeping your explanations short so everyone has a chance to explain and share their ideas.

Where do you find the session link?

Go to your session, “Guest” and copy and paste the link to your email/slack or invite.

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