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Mastering One-on-Ones: A Simple Framework for Every Manager

Are you a manager preparing for your next one-on-one meetings but feeling a bit lost on what to cover?

Photo by Emre on Unsplash

Don’t worry!

We’ve got a simple and effective framework to guide you through these discussions, making them not only productive but also engaging for both you and your team members.

Let’s dive in!

Why One-on-Ones Matter

One-on-one meetings are your secret weapon for team management. They provide a private setting to connect with each team member, address issues, celebrate wins, and nurture professional growth. These meetings can boost morale and clarify expectations for everyone involved, fostering a stronger, more aligned team.

The Essential One-on-One Framework

To make the most of these sessions, follow this structured approach:

Check-In (Emotional). Start by getting a pulse on their emotional and mental well-being. Ask:

  • How are you feeling lately?
  • Are there any work-related issues that are overwhelming you?

Assess Contributions and Proactivity. Understand their impact and initiative. Discuss:

  • Can you share a recent example of how you’ve helped another department?
  • What have you done lately that goes beyond your regular duties?

Encourage Continuous Learning. Evaluate their commitment to personal growth and skill development:

  • What new skills have you learned or improved upon recently?
  • How comfortable are you with your current responsibilities?

Highlight Enjoyment and Challenges. Identify what they cherish and what obstacles they face:

  • What aspects of your job do you feel most grateful for?
  • Have you encountered any challenging situations in the past month?

Discuss Future Steps and Feedback. Outline the next stages for their role and provide constructive feedback:

  • What are the next steps in your project?
  • Do you have any feedback or suggestions for how we can improve our workflow?

Note-Taking and Wrap-Up. Keep a record of key points from the meeting, and allow space for their input:

  • Let’s summarize the main points from today’s discussion.
  • Do you have any other issues or updates you’d like to add?

Remember, these meetings are collaborative.

Encourage open dialogue, and make sure to address any concerns your team member might have.

This framework isn’t just about checking off boxes; it’s about building a supportive environment where every team member can thrive.

Here is a full overview of this process.

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Tailor to Fit Your Needs

While this template serves as a general guide, feel free to adapt it to better suit your team’s specific needs and the unique dynamics of your workplace.

Not every section may be necessary at every meeting, but having a comprehensive tool at your disposal will ensure you’re prepared for any discussion.

Embrace these one-on-ones as opportunities to make a real difference in your team’s satisfaction and productivity. With the right questions and a supportive approach, you’ll not only address the immediate needs but also build rapport.

If you are looking for additional frameworks and templates you can get access to hundreds of templates for free at Nova. Visit

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