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Value Proposition Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

Begin by defining each phase, main milestones, and tasks, and decide who and how will be involved by following the RACI method. The RACI method is quite straightforward; for each decision, action or deliverable a RACI chart steps out especially who is:

STEP 1: Job to be Done

These are simply the jobs your customer needs to perform each day. Think about the functional, social, and emotional tasks customers are trying to perform, problems they are trying to solve, and needs they wish to satisfy.

Ask yourself – What social, emotional, cognitive, and functional jobs does your customer do on a daily basis? Why?


Think about the negative experiences, feelings, and risks that the customer experiences while they are trying to get the job done.

  • What is annoying (troubling) your customers?
  • What negative emotions do they experience?
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STEP 3: Gains

What benefits would the customer expect? What would they need? What would delight customers? What things may increase the likelihood of adopting a value proposition? What would make your customer happy?

STEP 4: Unlock your value proposition

Having explored our customer’s motivations, pains, and gains – we can start describing our Product and Service Features.

Start with the product and service section. Product and Service Features: The products and services which create gain and relieve pain, and creates value for the customer. Here is where you’re literally selling – like when mattress companies talk about their materials and extended warranties.

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