Walt Disney – The 3 Rooms
First, you will be in the Dreamer position – allowing you to generate as many ideas as possible without criticism or deep evaluation. Second, you’ll take on the Realist position. Finally, you’ll take on the Critic position.
The reason we call it the “3 Rooms” is that each position is traditionally done from a separate space or room. This ensures a sort of separation between thinking perspectives.
As a dreamer, you will need to focus on generating ideas without judgment, evaluation or restrictions. This position is meant to unlock as many ideas as possible form the team. From this position, you aren’t aware of any barriers, budget restrictions, technology limitations, etc. Dream big!
Ask yourselves:
- What do we really want?
- How do we imagine our solution?
- What would be the ideal product or solution?
- Build on other team members’ ideas and re-shape those ideas to dream bigger
The Realist position.
From the best ideas/idea, start figuring out what steps and resources you would need to take to make that possible. Think of this like an action plan required to make those ideas a reality.
Ask yourselves:
- What would need to be true to make this possible?
- How can we apply this idea?
- What would be our action plan?
- What would be our timeline and why?
Critic position
Now you have an action plan, so you and your team will focus on finding solutions and tackling roadblocks.
Ask yourselves:
- What are the key barriers?
- What problems do you see?
- What could go wrong with this idea?
- Would this idea satisfy all our needs?