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recurring work

Automatically manage recurring work and meetings like feedback sessions, surveys, and team retros without manually sending reminders or creating new documents.

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recurring sessions

Trusted by over 2,000 businesses and leaders worldwide

approval and recurring sessions

Prepare your recurring work automatically

Are you preparing your whiteboard for your next team retro? Do we need to repeat that survey to measure success this month? Are you preparing for your next one-on-one? Leverage technology and automate all your admin work – select a template, add a date, select the frequency, and get started.

Hold everyone accountable and monitor progress – in real-time

Provide clear goals, deliverables, and deadlines so team members and stakeholders can share knowledge and get things done on time without having to coordinate their efforts any longer – while you can monitor progress, collaboration and decisions async.

Organize all your decisions efficiently

The best part is that major decisions are carried over to the next session, so you don’t have to remember what was mentioned or find your notes.

Recurring Whiteboards

Turn any session or workshop led on a whiteboard into a recurring event. For example, convert those visual meetings or team retros that you repeat regularly into recurring ones to save time preparing them.

1-on-1 and Other Management Activities

Turn your 1-on-1s and even schedule your performance reviews or team surveys so that they are prepared and you don’t miss them.

Recurring Meetings

Do you have meetings where decisions and notes are often taken, some of which need approval or further information? Create a space to take notes and make it recurring so all notes, approvals, and links are accessible to all stakeholders.

Schedule it.

Repeat it.

Track it.

Keep all your work in one place – and automatically schedule your recurring sessions. From team retros, surveys, feedback sessions all the way to 1-on-1s.

Team retro

Team retros

Create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement by creating idea walls and issue logs where teams can share their ideas and discuss some of the issues and blockers they encounter on a daily basis.

team survey

Team Surveys & Check-ins

Conduct design and strategy discussions on a weekly or monthly basis to review decisions as a team. Use a whiteboard and work async. Make this a recurring session with Nova.

Team pulse

Team pulse

Schedule your design reviews and feedback sessions with Nova. Ask your team to share their designs and ideas and easily gather feedback without the extra work.

one-on-one meeting

1-on-1 meetings

Schedule and get your one-on-one meetings ready automatically.


User/ Customer Surveys

Conduct design and strategy discussions on a weekly or monthly basis to review decisions as a team. Use a whiteboard and work async. Make this a recurring session with Nova.


Strategy & Growth meetings

Schedule your design reviews and feedback sessions with Nova. Ask your team to share their designs and ideas and easily gather feedback without the extra work.

asynchronous brainstorming session

Issue Log / Idea wall

Create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement by creating idea walls and issue logs where teams can share their ideas and discuss some of the issues and blockers they encounter on a daily basis.


Design & Strategy discussion on a Whiteboard

Conduct design and strategy discussions on a weekly or monthly basis to review decisions as a team. Use a whiteboard and work async. Make this a recurring session with Nova.

asynchronous sessions

Design reviews or/and Feedback sessions

Schedule your design reviews and feedback sessions with Nova. Ask your team to share their designs and ideas and easily gather feedback without the extra work.

Plan your recurring work faster

With @Nova’s intelligent technology, teams and managers are able to plan their recurring meetings, surveys, and work faster.  Select a template, choose a date, and  hold all your collaborators accountable in each phase of the project.

Nova user experience:

better decisions

Take advantage of your collective intelligence.

Nova allows you to tap into the collective intelligence of your team and external stakeholders/consultants, distill their perspectives and knowledge to develop ideas, and automate your thinking processes.
With Nova, your team can also participate in the thinking and innovation process asynchronously in a space that help you work together effectively. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to help accelerate the world’s progress in tackling today’s social and business challenges by providing a simple, collaborative and reliable way to innovate.
We help teams do their best work together and change the world!

Trusted by

Our users are diverse and many of them work at start-ups, creative organizations, agencies, NGOs, universities, government institutions, and R&D departments. We are proud to have a global community, and our vision is to support small and large companies to develop solutions for today’s global challenges.

@Nova, The Intelligent collaboration workspace that works for you.


Nova for Accelerators, Co-working spaces, and Innovation Hubs. 

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Nova for Nonprofits

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