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collaboration platform

the chaosmeetingswaste

Nova is a modern collaboration and stakeholder management platform designed to streamline projects, hold stakeholders accountable, manage the team and automate manual tasks.

FREE Version available – no credit card required
Collaboration WorkflowFeedback Session In Nova

There is something broken with the way we collaborate

Collaborative work should not require hundreds of meetings, Slack messages, platforms and emails. Stakeholders and managers should not feel uninformed about the status of things, deadlines should not be extended to accommodate stakeholders who forgot the initial due date and decisions should not be made in isolation.

How teams collaborate today

We need a new way to manage collaboration

 It’s time to provide you with an all-in-one workspace that can adapt to your remote and hybrid needs. A space where you can collaborate async and without countless meetings. A space where both internal and external stakeholders are engaged and held accountable, and where progress and decision-making can be monitored in real-time. At Nova, we want to turn chaos and ‘busy days’ into clarity and productive days.

Async MeetingAsync Meeting
Nova calendar

All-in-one platform

Everything you need during the collaborative and strategic process in one platform. Card decks, whiteboards, feedback sessions, surveys, tasks and more.

approval and recurring sessions
Productive Meetings With A WhiteboardProductive Meeting

Streamlining Collaboration

Simplify the collaborative process effortlessly, starting from the initial discussion, gathering feedback, obtaining approvals from managers or clients, navigating through strategy discussions, all the way to team surveys to monitor your team’s well-being.

Hold People Accountable

Establish clear accountabilities so that everyone understands their roles, deadlines, and decision-making processes. Each session is assigned a due date, and all involved parties are promptly notified and encouraged to engage. As people contribute their input, approve the next design, or make collaborative decisions, progress and engagement are monitored systematically to provide a space that is fair and transparent. 

Set Deadlines & Clarify Everyone’s Responsibilities

Ensure team members, clients and other stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities in every stage of the process. Each session and task is designated with leaders and collaborators, ensuring seamless coordination and efficient teamwork.

Meeting minutes

All your work – organized by due date

You will have a centralized location where your tasks, whiteboards, feedback sessions, surveys, and every step of your workflow are organized by due date.

Manage approvals and feedback – easily

“Did Sarah approve this?” “Have you read my proposal?” “Does anyone have any feedback on the new design?” Automatically assign your manager or clients to a whiteboard, feedback or approval session and track who has read your update and who has participated and even if your proposal was approved. 

Keep everyone informed

Conclusions and meeting minutes are carried forward to subsequent meetings or sessions, keeping all participants informed even if they weren’t part of previous sessions – ensuring full visibility into previous decisions.

guide your team
process diagram

Work Smarter: Simplify Collaborative Processes

Manage and define your collaborative processes in Nova. Outline how your team collaborates and how you work with other stakeholders or clients, create checklists, define the structure, and establish the minimum criteria that must be followed for all your projects, strategies, initiatives, clients, and more.

Guide your team & stakeholders

Provide guidance and clarity on what is needed, when it is needed, and what the expectations are. Ensure that work follows a fair process and that nobody is blocked by unknowns – uncertainty about ‘how to start’.

Remove Bottlenecks

Avoid depending on specific individuals who hold your organizational ‘know-how.’ Instead, transfer that knowledge into a platform that can guide the entire team.

Bring clarity to the team with workflows!

No matter how complex or how many stakeholders and collaborators your processes involve, Nova simplifies the process and provides everyone with visibility on what’s next and the role they play in each step of the process.

async meeting
team collaboration
Card decks


Access infinite digital whiteboards that are automatically added to your calendar and assigned leaders for the session.

Card decks

Gain access to conversation starters, brainstorming, and strategy decks that assist teams and leaders in conducting more effective workshops and meetings.

Async Meetings

Get things done! Shift your feedback, design reviews, team retrospectives, informative meetings, check-in meetings, and more to asynchronous formats that are as collaborative and effective as a meeting.

Approval Sessions

Centralize all approval sessions and decisions in one place to ensure timely approvals, even when multiple people need to be involved. From document approvals all the way to design approvals. 

Surveys – collaborative, recurring…

Traditional and collaborative surveys, both perfect for both internal and external purposes. Keep answers private among participants or make them collaborative to analyze group behaviour and influences –  or even schedule them.

Informative & Educational Sessions

Inform teams or clients about changes, create onboarding sessions, or conduct training sessions on Nova. All content can be collaborative, allowing participants to learn and make decisions together.

collaboration activity tracker
Task and Work management

Know the status of everything – always

Understand how decisions are made, who is doing what, who is engaged and where you’re next needed.

Monitor engagement, collaboration & decisions

Tired of sending documents or links for feedback  and wondering if people have even read them?  Stay in the loop and monitor visibility, collaboration, engagement, and decisions with Nova’s collaboration activity tracker.

Automate your recurring work

Automate recurring work and never prepare the meeting, team retro or your 1:1 again. Choose a tool or a template, invite your team or external stakeholders and select it as a recurring session.

Meeting conclusions

Recurring Whiteboards

Turn any session or workshop led on a whiteboard into a recurring event. For example, convert those visual meetings or team retros that you repeat regularly into recurring ones to save time preparing them.

Recurring 1-on-1s and other management activities

Turn your 1-on-1s and even schedule your performance reviews or team surveys so that they are prepared and you don’t miss them.

Recurring meetings

Do you have meetings where decisions and notes are often taken, some of which need approval or further information? Create a space to take notes and make it recurring so all notes, approvals, and links are accessible to all stakeholders.

Start with a template

Modify it however and whenever you need

Not sure how to start? Choose from hundreds of free, pre-built, and industry-leading templates.  Each tool and workflow is designed to guide you and your team through a structured process to help you achieve your goals.

Tools and templates

Generate post-meeting & project reports on the go

Nova generates reports (available online in and PDF) for each project and tool session, allowing you to condense, store, and communicate results to help team leaders and stakeholders make decisions.

Project ReportEngagement Report

Take advantage of your collective intelligence.

Nova allows you to tap into the collective intelligence of your team and external stakeholders/consultants, distill their perspective and knowledge to develop ideas, and automate your thinking processes.

With Nova, your team can also participate in the thinking and innovation process asynchronously, even when they aren’t in the same room.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help accelerate the world’s progress in tackling today’s social and business challenges by providing a simple, collaborative and reliable way to innovate.
We help teams do their best work together and change the world!

Our Manifesto

Reduce waste, hold people accountable & say goodbye to back-to-back meetings

At Nova, we have four commitments: 1) ensure collaborative processes can be scalable, 2) ensure that collaboration is more engaging and productive without having to rely on meetings, 3) ensure that everyone, including clients, can be held accountable, and deadlines are met, and 4) ensure that collaboration is managed holistically, understanding that teams need support from their leaders to stay healthy and thrive.

Make collaborative processes scalable

Make collaboration more engaging and productive without having to rely on meetings

Improve team velocity and productivity: Ensure everyone, including clients, can be held accountable, and deadlines are met

Support leaders to ensure teams stay healthy and thrive

Trusted by

Our users are diverse and many of them work at start-ups, creative organizations, agencies, NGOs, universities, government institutions, and R&D departments. We are proud to have a global community, and our vision is to support small and large companies to develop solutions for today’s global challenges.

user feedback
user feedback

Get started now



No credit card required

Access dozens of tools and templates, lead meetings asynchronously, lead research sessions, and use our online whiteboards to run your collaborative meetings.


$9 per member/annually

Get access to advanced features and add as many whiteboards, asynchronous meetings, surveys, research sessions, or approval sessions as you need, and build workflows from start to finish.


$20 per member/annually

Get access to a collaborative workspace built for your organization and your brand. Manage stakeholders, gain access to pro features, and save your processes and templates to scale.


Visit our guidelines for more information.

What is Nova?

Nova is a collaboration and productivity platform that leverages intelligent technology to help teams work together while coordinating the work for you. Nova is a new approach to collaboration and stakeholder management that adjusts to remote work and doesn’t depend on back-to-back meetings to help teams make decisions.

Unlike other platforms, @Nova helps organize work by goals, people and deadlines and includes features like whiteboards, tasks and async meetings to get things done and make collective decisions in the same space. 

With Nova you can manage your collaborative efforts, provide a clear path to success and keep decisions organized without any additional admin burden. Let Nova manage and coordinate people, meetings and processes for you. 

When should I use Nova? Who should use Nova?

Nova is a dynamic workspace for collaboration, innovation, and growth, especially thriving during the project’s ideation phase.

While conventional project management tools enhance efficiency and task management, Nova elevates teams by guiding problem-solving, exploring solutions, gathering insights, developing strategies, and fostering collective decision-making—sans the burden of back-to-back meetings. Collaboration within teams and across diverse contributors often leads to tangled processes and reduced productivity. Nova empowers teams and groups to streamline their thought processes through adaptable frameworks, dismantling administrative barriers. Our mission is to unleash your human capital for unparalleled innovation.

We optimize organizational efficiency without compromising collaboration.

Nova proves optimal for the following companies and teams:

  1. Cross-functional teams seeking effective means to uphold departmental accountability, consolidate decisions, and minimize the frequency of decision-making meetings. This ensures more productive time for actual task completion.
  2. Teams and organizations collaborating with clients or external stakeholders, aiming to simplify the collaborative process by centralizing communication, ensuring accountability, and segregating internal work from client-facing interactions on Nova’s dedicated platform.
  3. Teams ready to reduce meeting frequency, transitioning 20% to 40% of meetings to asynchronous sessions. This transformation sustains velocity, the decision-making process, and collaboration—ideal for remote or hybrid teams spread across different time zones.
  4. Teams and organizations grappling with intricate processes, seeking an intuitive means to guide, document organizational knowledge, and empower teams to work autonomously while enabling managers to track progress and decisions seamlessly – without micromanagement.
  5. Leaders and managers in search of a unified space to manage tasks, equipped with the latest frameworks and managerial tools: from surveys and retrospectives to interviews, coaching, onboarding, OKRs, and more. Discover our Leadership Hub.
  6. Accelerators, universities, and innovation hubs aspiring to help clients with accessible frameworks and tools, fostering collaboration with mentors, investors, and other stakeholders, all within a manageable platform.
  7. Consultants requiring an easy-to-use digital space for seamless collaboration with both internal teams and clients. Nova maintains internal information confidentiality while holding clients and their teams accountable at every project phase, eliminating the need for juggling multiple platforms and folders. This simplifies, scales, and supercharges the collaborative process.

These are merely a few reasons why our users love our product. However, the true magic resides in  Nova. Give it a try!



What is a work session?

Sessions are meetings or structured milestones to accomplish a specific goal in a project. Team members are invited to the session to promote synchronization and cohesiveness while maintaining a fair process and transparent communication.

Using Nova, sessions are linked to an innovation tool, providing a system so the team can focus on a particular objective, optimizing their way of thinking before moving to the next step in the process.

All work sessions include a trackable step-by-step process, and all the digital resources teams and collaborators will need to reach the goal.  This process makes work more effective, and collaborative and team members own the project.

What is a project workflow?

project workflow is a sequence of work sessions, whiteboards, and tasks that create a path to success and describes how something goes from start to completion, whether that’s through a task, a video, a work session, whiteboard, or a meeting.

Project workflows can be viewed as a diagram using the board view or as an interactive agenda using the list view. 

A workflow holds key intellectual property inside each organization as it tracks and saves thought processes and decision making. Project workflows can be created and tracked inside our project board, or by using the list view.

Workflows allow any team member or stakeholder to zoom in to the micro aspects of projects, zoom out to see the big picture, and follow a simple path to success.

On a project workflow, you can do the following:

  • Add work sessions and whiteboards to facilitate collaborative work and team exercises.
  • Add tasks and resources the team will need to reach the project goal successfully. 
  • Assign specific team members or invite external participants to the project or to individual sessions, tasks, or whiteboards. (external participants can only access sessions inside the project)
  • Track session progress using the status dropdown menu on the projects page
  • Track project progress in detail using the “view project report” function within the project
  • Include documents and notes people will need during the process.

Using Nova, sessions are linked to an innovation tool, providing a system so the team can focus on a particular objective, optimizing their way of thinking before moving to the next step in the process.

All work sessions include a trackable step-by-step process, and all the digital resources teams and collaborators will need to reach the goal.  This process makes work more effective, and collaborative and team members own the project.

What kind of workflows and tools can I create?

Nova is perfect for workflows and tools for business strategy, marketing, design/design thinking, product development, etc

For consultants: 

With Nova, consultants can create proprietary processes, tools, workflows, or card decks and sell them.  Clients will receive a full package with interactive processes and tools that can be automatically integrated into their Nova workspace and used by anyone in their team. Consultants can create workflows, card decks, or tools for marketing, coaching, strategy, UX, Service design, design thinking, product management, etc.  Once consultants have a process or a tool they want to sell, they can share the link with the client and help them integrate those processes long-term. Learn more about our consultant network and our space for consultants. 

Can I access the Leadership Hub?

Yes, our Leadership Hub is available inside Nova. If you access our platform today, the Leadership Hub will be accessible for free. Our Leadership Hub is a space in our digital workspace created for managers and HR teams to hold all their meetings, one-on-ones, team surveys, and all the related things a manager needs to enable their team and cultivate a workplace where the team thrives. It includes multiple tools for managers and keeps everything private, with multiple privacy settings available to adapt to your needs.

We also offer a free Leadership Program where you can learn about how to leverage these tools and the new trends in leadership.

Our Leadership Program is available here. (Our Youtube Channel)

Learn more about our Leadership program here. (Our Blog)

Do you provide training?

Yes, we are currently training consultants who are part of our experts network. In the next few months, we are launching our online academy.

Additionally you can access the following training programs for free, also available on Youtube.

As an alternative we also have this Learn about Nova for consultants workflow (you need the pro account) or Schedule a training session with one of our representatives.


Can I join the experts network?

What advantages do I get from joining Nova’s expert program? 

By joining the expert program, you can turn some of your processes, books, card decks, templates, etc., into digital products that can be implemented at the core of any organization or team. It’s an opportunity to expand your products, distribute them to new markets, and ensure your clients can successfully integrate those processes. We provide you with access to our distribution features, allowing you to choose how to scale your business.

Learn more here:

Do I need to create processes and tools to be able to join the program? No, most people who join our expert program do so to create digital products with Nova and easily sell or distribute them to their clients. We also accept applications from individuals with expertise in processes and organizational transformation, as many clients often need help defining their processes.

Nova fundamentals

Visit our youtube channel for more information.

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